Amazonia: An Impossible Choice Read online

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  “A couple nearly passed out, and the others looked at us as if we’d arisen from Tartarus itself.” As if recalling the startled expressions, Shale joined in with Kale’s laughter.

  Though she was amused herself, Blake defended the cooks. “I can’t blame them. You should see yourself, Shale.”

  “From their reaction, I figured we must be a sight, and that’s why we wanted to warn you first.”

  “And it went really well.” Kale scoffed. “You both overreacted anyway.”

  Blake shook her head, “Well, excuse us for being concerned.”

  Amber folded her arms. “The next time you come home covered with blood, Blake and I will just ignore you. See how you like that.”

  “All right, all right.” Kale raised a hand in surrender. “I see your point.”

  Blake switched her focus onto Shale. “Your intentions were good.” She knew it’d been Shale’s suggestion to prepare them first, not wanting them to be shocked. The gesture was too thoughtful for Kale. Blake leaned forward and kissed Shale’s cheek—the clean side. “I appreciate the consideration.”

  Shale grinned, then gave Kale a taunting look.

  Kale took a cocky step toward Amber. “Don’t I get a kiss?”

  In response, Amber thrust the wolf skin at her.

  BY THE TIME Kale and Shale had washed and cleaned themselves up, and some ointment had been put onto Kale’s scratches, it was time for the evening meal. Once they were all seated around the table, Kale pointed toward Blake’s desk, which was tucked neatly into a corner. Or rather, she pointed above it, to the extra addition on the wall. Next to a picture of a field filled with flowers, was an impressive mountainscape.

  “I like your new picture, Blake. I wish I could draw like that.”

  “It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Shale dipped a piece of bread into her bowl of chicken broth. “She’s certainly talented.”

  Blake smiled at their praise.

  “Always has been.” Amber took a drink from her mug. “Blake could draw better as a child, than I can now as an adult.”

  Blake giggled and patted her arm. “You’re not that bad.”

  “I am. Mine bears no resemblance to what I’m drawing.”

  Shale chortled. “Sounds like mine.”

  “Do you have any others, Blake?” Kale asked.

  “Some. But those on the wall are the best.”

  “Would you consider a trade? You draw a picture for mine and Amber’s cabin, and I’ll give you whatever you want in return.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Amber said.

  Blake mulled over it. “What would you want me to draw?”

  Shale answered for her twin. “A waterfall.”

  At Kale’s nod, Blake chuckled and shook her head, as if the insight they had into one another still amazed her. “No trade.”

  At Kale’s crestfallen expression, Blake said, “I’ll draw you the picture, but you don’t need to trade me for it.”

  “That’s generous of you, Blake, but are you sure you don’t want anything for it?”

  “Yes, don’t forget Kale’s just got a fine new wolf skin. Oof.” The slap to Shale’s abdomen was well-delivered, knocking the breath right out of her. Shale coughed a few times, amidst laughter. “You got me there.”

  Kale gave her a self-satisfied smirk, then they both looked to Blake for her deciding response.

  “I don’t want anything. It’ll be a gift.”

  Kale became even more smug. “Thanks, Blake.”

  Shale sighed in exaggerated disappointment. “I merely wanted the skin for a blanket to keep me warm at night. Is that really too much to ask?”

  Blake dissolved into laughter. “You tease. You’re always kicking the blankets off as you’re too warm.”

  Amber looked up from her bowl with evident surprise. “Kale does that, too.”

  Blake laughed harder, and Amber soon joined in.

  Kale shared a droll look with her twin. “Apparently our sleeping habits are hilarious.”

  “So it would seem.”

  “Is Shale ticklish?” Amber suddenly asked out of nowhere.

  Blake nodded. “Very.”

  “Kale, too.” Amber tapped a finger on her lips, as if pondering something. “I wonder what else is similar. Bar the obvious. Ooo, I’ve got one. Does Shale fall asleep if you stroke her hair?”

  Blake’s eyes grew round. “She does, yes.” She turned in her seat, toward Amber, now clearly intrigued.

  “I guess we’ll just talk amongst ourselves,” Kale said loudly, as Amber and Blake seemed to have forgotten they were actually still present in the room. She was ignored, though she heard Shale snigger beside her.

  “You know,” Amber said. “Kale likes it when I—”

  “Oh, no!” Kale firmly shook her head. “We’re not going there.”

  Shale, as always, knew Kale’s line of thought. “Our intimate desires are not up for discussion.”

  Blake blushed, looking mortified. “I would never.”

  “Nor I.” Amber shrugged one shoulder when Kale raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t ask such a question,” she smiled impishly, “if only because I know that Blake would never answer it.”

  Shale chuckled. “At least you’re honest.”

  “So what were you going to say?” Kale asked.

  “It sounds boring now, sex talk would’ve been a lot more fun.” Amber playfully twirled a red curl around her finger. “I was going to say...” She focused on Blake, as she had done before. “Kale likes it when I sit back and let her cook. She actually enjoys preparing food.”

  “Is that so?” At Kale’s nod, Blake said, “Well, in that case, Kale, you can prepare our evening meals from now on.”

  As everyone laughed at her expense, Kale rolled her eyes. “Thanks for that, Amber.”

  Chapter Three

  “THERE. YOU’RE READY,” Amber said as she finished weaving the last of the flowers into Blake’s golden hair. As Blake stood, Amber released a low whistle. “You look incredible, Blake. The whole village is going to envy Shale.”

  A flattered smile appeared, then Blake looked down at herself to make sure everything was in its place. She was wearing a lightly tanned skirt, which was longer than she usually wore, down to her knees. Her calf-length boots were new, like the rest of the outfit, and were made of the same, pale tanned skin. Her top had an exquisite circular pattern stitched into it, and was accentuated with beads and feathers.

  For jewelry, she wore her mother’s necklace. It was a dark red circular stone that’d been polished to a high shine and hung on a cord. On her wrist was the delicate woven bracelet Shale had made for her more than a year ago, the green, yellow, and brown threads matching her coloring perfectly. The bracelet wasn’t an extra addition, for Blake wore it daily and never took it off.

  Zayla lifted her daughter’s chin. “You look wonderful, Blakaea.” She laid a kiss on her cheek. “You...” Her voice caught. “You make me so proud.”

  Blake’s eyes misted. “Mother, please don’t cry. I’ll no doubt follow, and by the time I reach Shale I’ll be a blubbering mess, and she’ll turn me down flat.”

  Her humor had the desired effect. Zayla laughed, patting Blake’s hand as Blake supportively squeezed her shoulder. To look at them, you could easily see that they were mother and daughter. They both shared the same blonde hair, though Zayla’s was streaked through with gray. Their builds and stature were also similar, though Zayla’s eyes were hazel, unlike Blake’s green. Zayla’s face was starting to show the signs of her age, though the wrinkles didn’t detract from her distinguished bearing. A bearing that Blake herself had inherited.

  “I’ll see if everyone’s assembled.” Amber opened the cabin door, and in seeped a hum of conversation. Multitudes of women were all talking and laughing excitedly. Amber stuck her head through the doorway. After several moments she looked back into the cabin.

  “Your soon-to-be-wife awaits.”

  Blake smiled, liking Amber’s cho
ice of words. She took a deep breath, embraced her mother and said, “Well then, let’s not keep her waiting.”

  Zayla led the way, as she was to preside over the ceremony. Amber went next, then Blake, who was struck by two things as she left the cabin. The first, was that the gods had blessed them with fine weather, the bright sun lighting up the village with its cheery glow. The second, was the village itself. It had been transformed. Every cabin was decorated with wreaths, flowered vines, and crafted displays. Large urns were dotted around, each filled to the brim with multi-colored flora. As Blake passed the banquet tables, overflowing with delicious smelling food, her stomach rumbled in anticipation of the upcoming meal.

  So much effort had been made on her and Shale’s behalf that it warmed her heart to see it. Blake was genuinely moved by her tribe’s generosity of spirit. She intended to thank every single Amazon, and she would, after the ceremony.

  Up until now, she’d intentionally kept her gaze away from the ceremonial tree, as a mere glimpse of Shale wouldn’t be enough. Blake wanted to see her in all her glory. As the last wave of Amazons parted, Shale was finally revealed to her.

  Blake felt a tear fall, so struck by the beauty before her. Shale was a goddess, radiant in her ceremonial garments. Her dark, glossy hair cascaded over her shoulders, and was adorned with a red headband. Her paneled brown skirt was two-toned, and the contrasting light and dark materials were trimmed with a red braid. Her calf-length boots were also braided, and her top, a matching dark red, completed the ensemble.

  Shale wore an awed expression that was no doubt reflected on Blake’s own face. Never had Blake felt more like a queen, than she did in that moment.

  Their eyes met. Green eyes held blue. The smile they shared was so filled with love, it was as intimate as a kiss.

  Then, as if by magic, Blake was suddenly beside Shale, underneath the tree, though she had no memory of walking those remaining steps.

  Shale linked their hands together. “You look beautiful, Blake.”

  “Shale.” Blake had to force her brain to work. “You are absolutely stunning.”

  They faced one another, and Zayla gave them a moment before beginning the ceremony.

  Zayla raised her voice to address the crowd. “Sisters.” She paused, waiting for them to fall silent. “We have gathered here to witness the joining of Blakaea, our queen, to her beloved, Shale. They are not only joining their bodies on this day, but their hearts and souls as well. Their love will sustain them, as they must sustain one another.”

  Zayla spoke solely to the two women in front of her. “Blakaea. Shale. Do you pledge to love one another with all that you are, and all that you will be? Do you pledge to be steadfast, faithful to one another in all things? Do you pledge to support, nurture, and cherish one another always, in times of happiness and in times of grief?”

  Zayla paused again, as if to allow her words to sink in. “By pledging yourselves to one another, your lives will be forever entwined, your fates as one.”

  Another pause. “Blakaea. Shale. In front of the gods, and in front of your sisters, do you pledge to uphold these solemn vows?”

  “I so pledge. I give myself to Shale.” Grinning, Shale slipped a gold ring onto Blake’s finger.

  “I so pledge. I give myself to Blake.” Blake gave a happy laugh, then slid a ring onto Shale’s finger, claiming her as her own.

  Aris, a tall, powerfully built blonde, stepped forward, ceremonial knife in hand. As chief warrior, Aris was an expert with a blade, so she was often chosen to deliver the cuts for the blood-joining, as was the custom in their tribe.

  “Where do you want them?” Aris asked. The placement of the three cuts was down to those receiving them, though the cuts had to be on the same place on each person, as a mark of unity.

  Blake and Shale had decided on the position beforehand, so they didn’t need to discuss it now. Blake held out her left hand, palm up, and indicated the soft flesh of her wrist. She gripped Shale’s offered hand with her other, knowing the slices would hurt, as they had to be deep enough to scar. The scars were a permanent reminder of their joining, and of their vows to one another.

  “The cuts represent how Shale and Blakaea are connected. The smallest cut represents the body,” Zayla said, waiting for Aris to make the mark on Blake’s skin.

  Aris sliced horizontally, careful as to its depth given its position, and put the smallest cut nearest to Blake’s palm. Aris moved the blade up Blake’s arm, leaving a gap of half a finger, then cut again, this line being slightly longer in length.

  “The middle cut represents the heart.”

  Aris again left a gap, then drew the knife across once more. This last cut was the longest, nearly stretching the whole width of Blake’s wrist.

  “And the longest represents the soul.”

  Blake was quite pleased with herself. The cuts had hurt, but she hadn’t made a sound, though she’d been glad of Shale’s hand, which she’d clutched tightly. Blake now returned the favor, as Aris moved away from her and began to repeat the procedure on Shale’s wrist. Shale didn’t so much as twitch, or even wince, but that didn’t surprise Blake, who knew Shale’d had far worse in her time.

  Once Aris finished, Zayla bound both of their bleeding wrists together, and entreated the goddess Artemis to bless their union.

  Smiling delightedly, Zayla placed one hand on Blake’s shoulder, the other on Shale’s. “You are now joined.”

  The surrounding Amazons erupted into cheers, and the noise only grew in intensity when Zayla said, “You may kiss.”

  Blake stepped in and met Shale’s lips, the kiss soft and tender. She surprised everyone, including her new wife, when she pulled Shale closer with her free hand, deepening the kiss to an almost indecent level.

  For Blake, who usually liked to retain what little privacy she had, it was a bold move indeed, and the crowd roared their approval, hooting and hollering like a band of banshees.

  When they parted, Shale’s smile was somewhat dazed. “Whoa. I didn’t expect that.”

  Blake felt like she was glowing with happiness. “We’re only getting joined once.”

  The smile turned into a grin. “Best make the most of it then.” Shale leaned in for another kiss.

  “THIS FOOD IS divine. I doubt ambrosia would taste better.” Shale offered some pork to Blake, holding it up to her mouth.

  Blake took it without hesitation, releasing a moan as she ate. “That’s delicious.” Blake keenly eyed Shale’s plate for more.

  Shale chuckled and placed a slice on Blake’s plate, more than willing to share.

  “You’re a good wife.” Blake’s eyes sparkled at the words.

  Shale smiled and squeezed Blake’s thigh beneath the table. They were seated at the head of the banquet tables, with Zayla, Kale, and Amber sat alongside them. The ceremonial dance had been performed before the meal, a sensible choice given the amount of food people were consuming. In between the dance and the meal, the entire tribe had lined up to offer their blessings and congratulations, giving Shale and Blake the chance to thank everyone for their effort and hard work.

  It was not tradition to receive physical gifts, the offerings to the gods made on their behalf were gift enough. Only family, and those especially close to the couple, were expected to give a token of some kind, as a gesture to honor the union.

  Shale and Blake’s wrists had now been unbound from one another, and each had been wrapped to protect the wounds.

  “Shale, are you nearly finished?” Kale asked.

  Shale looked up in surprise. “Why? It’s not like you to rush through a meal, Kale.” If anything, Kale usually ate more than she and Blake combined.

  “I want to give you your gift.”

  Shale chuckled. “Impatient as ever.”

  “I’ve waited days already.” Kale playfully bumped Shale with her shoulder. “Don’t pretend you’re not dying to see it.”

  Shale couldn’t deny the truth of that.

  “And there’
s plenty of food left, we can always come back and have some more.”

  “You’d best go,” Blake said, smiling at Shale to show she didn’t mind. “Or Kale will never cease.”

  Kale grinned, clearly not the least bit insulted. “Blake’s right.”

  “Why don’t you bring the gift to me?” Shale tried for a middle ground.

  “Actually, Shale.” Zayla stood up from her seat. “If we’re giving gifts, my gift to you and Blakaea is at your cabin. It’s rather heavy, so it would be easier if I took you both to it.”

  Kale eagerly got to her feet. “Great. We’ll all go. Come on, Amber.”

  Neither Blake or Shale had any objection, so they were willingly led to their cabin. They were both amazed when they stepped inside. Their cabin had been transformed. Against the right wall, in the center, was their bed, but it had been covered with flower petals. The long shelves that were on either side of the bed, which were used for storage and held a variety of items, were decorated with flowered vines. On the opposite side of the room, on the dining table, was a vase full of flowering blooms, and another was atop Blake’s desk in the corner. The cabin was beautiful.

  Blake smiled in wonder. “Who did this?”

  “Appollonia and Aris. It is their gift to you both.” Zayla seemed to anticipate the next question. “They slipped away during the dance.”

  Shale was surprised she hadn’t noticed, she was usually very observant. Then, as realization dawned on her, she began to laugh. “So that’s why you kept pointing out those dancers, Kale. I thought you were teasing me about being unavailable.”

  Kale scoffed in insult. “As if I would.” She sniggered when Shale, Blake, and Amber all directed disbelieving looks her way. “And anyway, I had to distract you somehow, Shale, you kept glancing in your cabin’s direction.”

  Shale was still laughing. “Well, forgive me for being so difficult.”

  “Only as it’s a special day.” Kale picked up one of the three packages on the dining table. She handed the gift to Shale. “This is from me and Amber.”